A Place to Grow and Develop as a person

How to be Endlessly Self-Motivated

on February 28, 2013

Being self motivated can be very difficult, especially if you are not seeing the results that you want.

For example, losing weight.  You run, you try all these difference workout and after a few weeks you don’s see results.  You start losing motivation and you start going back to your old ways of sitting on the couch and doing nothing.

The biggest motivator for me is to have a goal, and it better be a damn good one too.  If your goals aren’t big enough or not worthy enough, it will not get you back up on your feet when you are down.

When looking at your goals, look at:

what is it really that you want accomplish?

Back to weight loss…

is it because you need to lower your cholesterol?

Being able to play with your grandkids?

Enjoy the latter years of your life with ease?

These goals will be what you look back to when the chips are down and when the times are tough.  When you don’t want to go workout anymore and want to quit, going back to that goal in mind will help you get back on your feet and keep going.

So what can you do?

1.  Take out a Piece of Paper or even open up an Microsoft Word document.

2. Write down your goals

3.  Then write down the biggest reasons why you want to achieve them.  Dig deep on this one and really look into why you want to accomplish your goal.  It has to have a good enough reason to get you through day in and day out.   Not just:  “I want to lose weight to look good for a wedding coming.”  That is a good goal to have, but once the wedding is over, you’ll most likely go back to your old ways.

With that being said, here are 3 very good books regarding motivation for you to read:

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

Based on 40 years of research, Daniel Pink exposes the conventional beliefs of motivation and how his research tells a different story.  He examines: -autonomy, mastery and purpose-and offers you great wisdom and techniques that may change how you see motivation for forever.

The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt-Free Play

Do you want a comprehensive plan to have guilt-free play AND get what you want done?

Dr.Flores’ techniques will help you get things done faster and sooner than ever before, without the stress of procrastination and lagging behind.


100 Ways to Motivate Yourself, Third Edition: Change Your Life Forever

Need some motivation?

How about 100 different ways to motivate yourself?

Breakthrough barriers to rid of negative thoughts and pessimistic views to achieve your deepest goals and dreams.

If you are ready to finally achieve those goals you’ve been putting off, Steve Chandler will definitely turn things around for you.


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